How To Change Beliefs That Cause Insomnia

In the last IR Techniques article we looked at how importance leads to anxiety, creating fragmented sleep… and discovered that our beliefs are the root of the thoughts and feelings. We discovered that it’s possible to change your unconscious mind by changing these beliefs, eventually Read More …

Mental Ways to Help You Sleep

I’ve got a fascinating bit of trivia to quiz you on… and I bet you’ll get it wrong. If you get absolutely no sleep, how much do you think that’ll affect your physical coordination in the afternoon of the following day? Would it be, A) Read More …

Help Falling Asleep With Self-Therapy

So what happens during sleep, anyway? What exactly is the brain doing? There are literally thousands of medical professionals and neuro-scientists that have been working on the answer to this question for a very long time. And they know many, many things about the process Read More …

How To Stop Insomnia

Most insomniacs have a big misconception. If you have chronic insomnia, you probably believe it’s something that’s impossible to stop. While understandable, this is simply not true. You can get rid of insomnia if you can do 2 things: You must be able to identify Read More …