Cannot Sleep? The Downward Spiral of Insomnia

Did you know that there’s ONE single source for all insomnia problems?

No matter what issues you have with sleep, it all comes down to fragmented sleep.

Fragmented sleep happens when your mind starts racing. It’s this increased brainwave speed that prevents and/or causes damage to your sleep.

In good sleepers, brainwave speed is very smooth throughout the night, only having slight variations in a their regular sleep cycle patterns.

By comparison, an insomniac’s brainwave speed exhibits sudden large variations that happen all night long, like gigantic ocean waves during a storm.

It is these large variations in brainwave cycles that cause fragmented sleep. Sometimes this fragmentation causes you to wake up, but even when it doesn’t wake you up, the result is poor quality sleep.

That’s why you’re sometimes still exhausted even after getting 8 hours of sleep.

If you only have a problem falling asleep, it’s a good bet that your brainwave activity is too speedy, preventing it from happening in the first place.  And after you finally fall asleep, large variations in brainwave activity continue throughout the night.

The source of these large variations in your brainwaves are the real cause of your insomnia problem.

So to cure your insomnia you need to answer the question, “What’s causing these fast variations in my brainwave activity and how do I stop them?”

The #1 Reason Your Brainwaves Rapidly Speed Up — Causing Fragmented Sleep

When you see an iceberg, you are only seeing the very tip that’s above water. Likewise, when you can’t sleep, most of the problem lies below the level of your consciousness. That’s why sleep often seems so mysterious.

Have you ever tried taking a sleeping pill to help you sleep?

Most likely, you answered “Yes”… yet it didn’t work to your satisfaction… because there’s something deeper.

That’s why most sleep experts teach you techniques for controlling your sleep rather than simply sending you to a doctor for a prescription.

These techniques may help you control problems like anxiety, depression, stress, endless obsessive thinking, anger, fear, frustration, feelings of loneliness, and others that seem to be disrupting your sleep hormones, but they’re often missing a critical piece of the puzzle.

Have you ever been told that to fall asleep, you need to fix one of these problems… but you found yourself thinking, “Well… if I slept better, I wouldn’t have this problem in the first place?”

Many insomniacs are told they need to manage their anxiety better, and their sleep will take care of itself.  Or that they need to work on their depression if they want to sleep. This is frustrating because they say, “I CAN’T get rid of anxiety – it’s there because I know how miserable struggling to get sleep is!”  Or, “I CAN’T get rid of depression, because insomnia is the reason my life stinks!”

There seems to be something missing from the equation… some other reason you have insomnia.

Most who try advanced techniques without knowing about the deeper, unconscious problem find that they STILL won’t work, or they stop working after a short period of time.

I remember the experience of lying down, trying so hard to make a technique work for me… and only feeling more awake, less comfortable, and that much further from falling asleep.

It seemed as if my efforts were working against me… even when I was SURE I was doing everything right.

To figure out how this happens, I need to expose a downward spiral, going on deep within your subconsciousness. It’s caused by a mechanism that serves you well during the day, but backfires when it’s time to go to sleep. 

To show you what I’m talking about, think about something really important or urgent, like an upcoming meeting, a serious problem, or something you have to attend to. Take a minute to get focused on this thought before continuing.

Got something IMPORTANT in your head? Good…

Do you notice how it piques your interest?

Do you feel tense or anxious?

Do you have these kinds of thoughts frequently?

Do you notice any feelings, emotions, or other strong sensations?

Okay… now observe how all of your answers to these questions reflect FASTER BRAINWAVE ACTIVITY.

With everything we do during the DAY, with all the important things in life, our unconsciousness speeds up to help us out, by firing up our brainwaves so we can so we can achieve that task.

Re-stated – if something is important, our mind prepares for it, which UNCONSCIOUSLY AND AUTOMATICALLY SPEEDS UP OUR BRAINWAVES.  It’s hard to even notice that its happening.

Why is that so crucial?

Because your unconscious-mind automatically prepares for action. It is aware of how important getting sleep is, so like any other important matter, it speeds up your brainwaves, making you feel wide awake no matter how exhausted you feel.

This importance you’ve associated which sleep (which good sleepers do not have or need) speeds up your brainwaves all night long.

Even if you feel incredibly tired, you’re unconsciously thinking that sleep is very important!

When you struggle to get some sleep, you only end up making it worse.  The harder you try, the more you speed up your brainwaves, and the more elusive sleep becomes.

It’s like being lost in the woods and not knowing what direction to go in. Moving around just gets you even more lost, making you feel even more helpless.

That’s why it’s crucial to take a minute to judge how important getting sleep is to you. Notice what negative thoughts or behaviors are revealed by the following questions that would make getting sleep very important on a subconscious level…

What are the consequences going to be tomorrow if you don’t get enough sleep?

What have you been giving up in your life? How much did you value those things?

Do you suffer from anxiety, depression, pain, exhaustion, diminished focus, laziness, or anything else that’s really bothering you because of lost sleep?

Does the fact that you aren’t getting sleep come up over and over again throughout the day?

Are you feeling defeated or suppressed because of insomnia?

Do you see how the questions above – or any problems you have because of insomnia – cause you to unconsciously view getting sleep as important?

Do you think these things may be unconsciously causing your brainwaves to SPEED UP as soon as you even think about going to sleep, causing a storm of fragmented sleep  throughout the night?

It’s been scientifically proven that if you goto bed with stress, that stress will stay with you throughout the night, fragmenting your sleep.

You can probably see why it’s so hard to fall asleep, why you wake up several times throughout the night, and why you wake up feeling extremely tired like you barely slept at all!

To add insult to injury, all the pills, tips, techniques, and anything else you’ve tried to fall asleep often only make the problem worse. Without fixing this fundamental problem FIRST, they only confirm the importance of getting sleep, speeding up your brainwaves even more, and causing you to feel even worse…

That’s why sleep “remedies” often don’t work or stop working after a while instead of giving you the quick sleep and refreshing mornings they promise.

No matter how long you’ve had insomnia, you’re stuck in this downward spiral:

The best way to reveal how this is happening for you is to just think about a time when sleep was particularly important for you, and falling asleep or staying asleep became impossible. See if you can think of a time like this.

Let’s say you lay down, and knowing that sleep is very important, you lay down and try to get comfortable. You may have even gone to bed extra early or done other things to *make sure* sleep happens. But in doing all this, you’ve made sleep very important, and so your mind speeds up to help assist you in falling asleep.

That’s when things take a turn for the worse. Now that you’re losing sleep, it quickly becomes even more important to get sleep, especially if you’re worried about tomorrow.  This fear or anxiety creates pressure that makes your brain speed way up.

I’m sure you’re probably familiar with this experience, and if so, you know what comes next. The more serious it gets, the more inexplicably wired you feel… and no matter how exhausted you may be, you feel wide awake. The more sleep you lose, the more important it gets, and the more frustrated you become. That’s why it’s a downward spiral.

And unfortunately, that’s just the spiral showing itself – normally, this is all happening unconsciously while you’re asleep. The problem is “below the radar” — this cycle normally HELPS you defeat your problems, so it’s only NATURAL that you’ve been using it… but when it comes to falling asleep, it backfires and speeds up your brainwaves, having the exact opposite effect you need for sound sleep!

Go figure – Sleep is the one thing in life that we should NEVER consider to be important, and right now, it’s one of your most important problems.

Like being lost in the woods, even though you think walking around will help, you end up right back where you started: Lost, and more desperate than ever.

If you simply had a compass, you’d be able to walk straight out of the woods.

Fortunately, I have a “compass” for you. I made a video called “The Best Cure For Insomnia” to address the many requests I’ve gotten over the years and it’ll tell you exactly what to do to start reversing and unraveling this downward spiral of insomnia. You can view it by clicking here.

Thanks for watching, and as always, if you liked this video please help me out with a like and go ahead and subscribe and ring the bell below for a steady supply of free, high quality sleep advice!

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